Thanks everyone for coming out and making it a great day. Especially thanks to Jerome for a great invited talk and to John for running the day and taking great pics!
- [April 5th, 2017]: We have posted the preliminary program and the papers on the Program Page. You an also download the full proceedings as one PDF file here.
- [March 30th, 2017]: We are happy to announce that Jerome Lang will be giving an invited talk at EXPLORE 2017! More details on the Program Page.
- [Feb 5, 2017]: We have extended the deadline till Feb 22, 2017.
EXPLORE 2017 @ AAMAS 2017: The 4th Workshop on Exploring Beyond the Worst Case in Computational Social Choice
To be held at the 16th Conference for Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, AAMAS 2017.
May 9th, 2017
São Paulo, Brazil
Computational Social Choice (ComSoc) lies at the intersection of computer science, economics, social choice, and political science. Many, often disjoint, groups of researchers both outside and within computer science study group decision making and preference aggregation. The computer science view of social choice focuses, broadly, on computational aspects of social choice and importing ideas from social choice into computer science. While the surge of research in this area has created dramatic benefits in the areas of market matchings, recommendation systems, and preference aggregation, much of the ComSoc community is focused on worst case assumptions.
As ComSoc evolves there is a growing need to relax or revise some of the more common assumptions in the field: worst case complexity, complete information, and overly-restricted domains, among others. This means going beyond traditional algorithmic and complexity results and providing a more nuanced look, using real data, parameterized algorithms, and human and agent experimentation to provide a fresh and impactful view of group decision making. This goes hand in hand with highlighting the practical applications of much of the theoretical research — as much of the most impactful work in ComSoc does. It also involves looking at more complex preference aggregation settings that help model real world requirements.
We encourage research related to:
- Algorithms and analysis
- Empirical Studies
- Average case analysis
- Identification of tractable sub-cases
- Fixed parameter complexity analysis
- Benchmarking and analysis from the preference handling and recommendation systems
- Matchings under preferences
- Auction and market design in the real world
- Crowd-sourcing and other real-world data aggregation domains
- Ethical decision making (with applicative bent)
Many of these tools, techniques, and studies are concentrated in a particular sub-field and researchers in other areas of ComSoc and related communities may be keen to import some of the tools and techniques developed in other areas.
The workshop is currently scheduled for a full day. We plan for the program to include an invited talk from a local researcher and possibly a short tutorial.
Important Dates
Paper Submission Deadline: February 7, 2017Paper Submission Deadline: February 22, 2017Author Notification: March 15, 2017- Workshop: May 9, 2017